Understanding the jobsite information for a job is a very important aspect of dispatching. If preferred, extensive information can be input, although only the "Location" and "City" are required to create a jobsite. This article will discuss the essential and commonly used features in "Jobsite Information."
Numerous completed fields within "Jobsite Information" are visible in the dispatcher grid, enhancing overall organization and navigation ease.
Each number corresponds to a specific field, which is described below the screenshot.
- Enable Customer Change - this enables the "Customer" field which is greyed out. Changing the customer will affect all jobs related to this jobsite.
- Powerline -Check the box if there are power lines at the jobsite. (If selected, the job information in the dispatch screen is printed in italic and a hard hat icon appears in the safety column).
- No Subs - Mark the checkbox if this job cannot be subcontracted out. A column labeled "No Subs" is accessible in the dispatcher grid, streamlining dispatcher visibility to identify jobs that can or cannot be subcontracted.
- Contractor - A general contractor can be assigned to the jobsite. A column labeled "Contractor" is available in the dispatcher grid.
- Location - The physical location of the jobsite.
- Billing Address - If a billing address is selected for the jobsite, this will replace the default one entered when the customer has been created.
- Special Instructions - Information entered in this field will be printed on the job ticket.
- Notes - Information entered in this field is only for internal use, it does not print anywhere.
- Disposal/RMX - This field could be labeled differently depending on company industry classification. Possible values are Disposal or RMX. Disposal represents a disposal site location typically associated with Hydrovac equipment units. RMX represents a ready mix vendor typically associated with concrete pumping equipment units.
- Jobsite Type - Choose the job site type (e.g., Commercial, Residential, etc.).
- Project Type - This field records the nature of work being undertaken at the job site (e.g., building, church, bridge, etc.).
- Pricing Scheme - Select the applicable pricing scheme or create a new one for this jobsite.
- Billable Travel Hours - The travel hours entered here will be added to the invoice.
- Jobsite Checklist - A customizable checklist which is visible in the operators Rapid On The Go! application. It must be completed by them before in order to start working on the jobsite.
- Checkboxes for the following features:
- OCIP - Owner Controlled Insurance Policy: if the owner of the construction site has OCIP provided, mark this checkbox.
- CPR/Prevailing - If Certified Payroll Records are required, mark this checkbox.
- Released - If this box is checked, it signifies that all lien rights on the project have been released by you.
- Public Project - If this jobsite is a public project, mark this checkbox.
- Safety Required - This checkbox indicates that there are safety issues on the jobsite. It is also automatically selected, if permits or licenses are required and entered for this jobsite. (If the checkbox is marked, the job information in the dispatch screen is printed in italic and a hard hat icon appears in the safety column).
- Non Taxable - If the checkbox is marked, it means that this jobsite is exempt from being charged sales taxes.
- Geofencing - This checkbox is automatically marked and it means the equipment is tracked by a GPS system. If you don't want GPS tracking on this particular jobsite, deselect it.
- PO Required - If a purchase order is required, mark this checkbox.
- Email Invoices - Marking this checkbox will remind you in "Accounting - Billing" to email the invoices for this jobsite.
- Permit Assignments or Lien History - Required permits or licenses for this jobsite can be assigned in Permit Assignment window. Lien history window displays Lien information.
- Job History or Jobsite Contacts - All previous jobs related to this jobsite are listed in Job History window. All contacts for this jobsite are listed in Jobsite Contacts window.
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