New Job
- From the Welcome screen navigate to the Jobs panel and click Dispatch from the tool bar on the top of the application.
- Pick a date.
- Right click on the data grid to bring up the context menu and choose Add New Job. You will now see the “Add/Edit Job Information” screen.
“Add/Edit Job Information” screen – most of the fields are self-explanatory, but some requires additional explanation. There are three flag fields. You can set one or more flags to a job, so it will be easier for you or other people to notice it in the grids later.
There are several default flags, but you can create your own. Click the underlined link, which says “Flag 1/2/3” and change/rename the available flags from the list. Click Save to close the Flag window.
Menu bar
- Print Job Ticket/ Print Filled Job Ticket/ Print Filled Job Ticket W/O Disclaimer – create a pdf with the job information and then you can send it as an attachment or save to your PC.
- Multibook - book an existing job across for more than one date. See chapter Multi-Booking a Job.
- Change History – see when and who has updated the job information.
- Cancel – removes any change made in the fields.
- Refresh – if there is a change in the Job ticket from a different device, click on this to reload the information.
- Close – closes the window but keeps the information.
“Customer” field:
New Customer - select the drill icon located on the right side. This will extend out four more buttons, “Add new”, “Edit”, “Delete”, and “Refresh” .
Select the green plus and fill in at least the mandatory fields: “Type”, “Customer Name”, “Primary Phone” and “Primary Email”.
Click Save and once the customer has been created, you will need to select the blue refresh button for the customer to populate.
- Existing Customer - type in the customer’s name in the customer text box. If the customer exists, it should appear in the list – then just select it.
New Customer - select the drill icon located on the right side. This will extend out four more buttons, “Add new”, “Edit”, “Delete”, and “Refresh” .
- “Sales Agent” – the person who has contacted the customer. Select an existing one or add a new one the same way as a new customer.
- “Job Date” – date of the job. You can change it from here.
- “Caller/Phone #” - the contractor or contact that ordered this job. Select the green plus button to enter a new contact. Fill in the name and contact number and press Save.
- “Called in Time” – the time when the “caller” made the call to the client.
- "Job Info" – if the job is done for the first time, leave this unchanged. Change to “2nd Round”, “3rd Round” or “Hold Mud” if the job will be repeated.
- “Job Time” - the job time is concrete time.
- “On Job Time” - the time the equipment needs to be on the job to begin setting up, typically 30 minutes before concrete.
- “Jobsite” - if this is a new jobsite you will need to add the jobsite like you did a new customer by selecting the “Add New”. When editing a new jobsite, the “Location” is the physical address of the jobsite. Example: 123 Main St.
- “Requested” - the pump size that has been requested. Select the size that has been requested. If the size is not in the data base, you must add it. Click on the drill and add new.
- If this job requires a specific pump size only, you may select the “Strict” check box. The pump size requested will then also show in the dispatch data grid in red text, indicating that this job can only be sent strictly the specified pump size.
- “Max Requested” – fill this if the contractor specifies a maximum size that the jobsite will allow.
- “Estimated Volume” – enter an estimate yardage/meter that will be poured for this job.
- “Job Type” – select a type from the drop-down list. If the job type you are looking for is not provided you may add any job type you wish, with the and .
- “Estimated Loads” - estimated loads to the dumpsite.
- “PO Number” - purchase order number.
- “Priority code” – not a mandatory field. You can add your own job priority, which later you can use it to sort out the jobs.
Menu bar
- Once all this above information is completed, you may add the unit and operator you wish to schedule to the job. Select the unit from the “Unit ID” text box and select the operator from the “Crew” box in the bottom right of the screen.
- To assign the crew, click in the grey highlighted row, then select the employee and hit OK.
- You may also add any extra system that needs to be on the job, like extra feet of hose, primer, slick pack etc. To do so, select the green plus symbol under the “Extra Systems” text box. Choose the extra system you wish to apply to the job, if the system you are looking for is not present, select the “Add New” button from the tool bar at the top. Once all of this has been completed, you have successfully filled in an entire order for a job. After saving, you may now close the job screen.
- “Geofencing” – this a service, which tracks the movement of an equipment unit and its proximity to or away from a job or its yard. This service changes the time statuses in the job. These times can be overwritten later by the operator or the dispatcher.
“Powerline” – is the surrounding powerline a danger or not to the equipment or for the operators. If this option is checked the “Safety” status of the job is activated. Some powerlines are buried underground, and they are not a safety issue (in this case uncheck the “Powerline” option), but powerlines that are in the air could electrocute someone if touched by the boom of the pump (check the option).
Most of the fields can be filled or edited after the job is created. The mandatory ones are:- Customer
- Sales Agent
- Jobsite
- Requested equipment
- Powerline – check or uncheck.
Bear in mind, the more information you enter the more accurate job ticket will be.
- “Job Status” is an important field, which shows the temporary status of the job. By default, when you create a new job, it is “Will Call”. Change it manually throughout the job process, so the status represents the real situation. Some of the statuses are changed by the Geofencing service.
- Click Save or Save & Close to finish creating the job.
Shortcut keys: Ctrl + N = Add new job. Ctrl + shift + S = Save & Close. Ctrl + shift + C = Close. Ctrl + S = Save. Alt + arrow key = Change dates.
Every job has a status, and they are explained here:
- Bold text - Cash on delivery (COD) job.
- Italic text - Safety required (there is a powerline activated).
- Red text - Strict pump size/hold mud/power lines.
- Green row - Job is covered.
- Blue text - Second round job.
- Yellow Text - Third round job.
The second column in the gird is the status of every job:
Canceled Job | Wash out | Confirmed | On job |
Will Call | Cleared | Back at base | Delete |
Ordered | Returning | Booked | Tools |
In Route | Add new | Edit | Refresh |
Additional sections and fields:
- Column grouping (Drag and drop here).
- Field chooser.
- Filter row.
- Tools button.
- Date picker.
- Job search.
- Cancelled jobs list.
- Available equipment.
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