Revenue per job, volume, or hour can be calculated by running a report in Report Central.
Users can access the company's earnings per unit of work, enabling informed decision-making for operational improvements and increased profitability.
- Navigate to Report Central. In "Category" select Sales. In "Report" select Customer, in "Type" select Summary and enter the date range for the report.
- Find the box Performance Metrics By Revenue Category Only.
- If the box is NOT checked, the report will simply take the total revenue and divide it by either the volume or hours to get the output number.
- If the box IS checked, it exclusively considers revenue associated with either volume or the hourly equipment rate. It then divides this revenue by the corresponding volume or hours number, providing the unit price for both volume and hourly charge.
- "Revenue per job" refers to the amount of money a company generates from each individual job or project it undertakes. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue earned by the number of jobs completed within a specific timeframe.
- "Revenue per volume" refers to the amount of revenue generated per volume pumped.
- "Revenue per hour" refers to the amount of revenue generated by a company per specific time period, in most cases by the hour.
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