An input called "Signed By" is available in the Rapid On The Go! mobile application, which shows who has signed off on the ticket .
The input becomes visible after the operator signs in the Post-Job Signature field in the Rapid On The GO! application.
The input is not visible by default in the mobile application.
Enable the "Signed By" input
- In Rapid ERP go to Company -> My Company -> On The GO! Settings -> Job Ticket Settings -> Advanced.
- Remove the tick in the Hidden column of the Signed By row to make it visible. If you want to make the input obligatory for the operators check in the Required column. You can also move up/down the row if you want.
- After the row is visible in Rapid On The GO! application the operator can fill in his/her name in this input.
This input together with the actual signatures is visible in the Invoice Information tab in Rapid ERP.
If you print the Job Ticket the signer's name is also visible in the form.
- Go to Job Information tab.
- Click on Print Filled Job Ticket.
In the second page of the Job Ticket Information preview you can see the name of the signer.
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