This procedure is done to generate all clock-in/clock-out times, payroll tasks times and other data needed for the Payroll functionalities. Do this generation every time when you have changed or approved payroll times or you want to see the latest and most accurate information. This procedure can be executed as many times as you want before a period is closed.
- Go to Human Resources -> Payroll and right-click on the last period (with status “Open”).
- Select Generate Payroll.
- If there are job tickets, which are not accepted/processed Rapid ERP will show you a warning. Click Yes to continue the generation. If the message is different, please contact the support.
- When the generation finishes, a grid with all the employees is shown on the left and their payroll times on the right.
- You can change the sorting of the left Task Summary grid to be by date or by task type.
- To see every employee’s payroll tasks and the respective times click on the All Employees row and make sure that “Tasks” tab is selected in the right grid.
- Click on an individual employee to see his/her payroll tasks and times.
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