From Accounting / Receivables choose "Payment" then "Add Payment" from the top left hand side of the screen.
Select the customer the payment is from.
Select the payment method: Check, Credit Card, Cash or Wire Transfer
The Date to the right of the payment method indicates the date you received the payment in your office.
Enter in the amount of the payment.
Enter in the check number (many also use this for Credit Card Authorization codes)
The deposit date indicates the date on which you deposited the checks, or the credit card payments or wire transfers hit the bank.
Once you have the payment information entered select "Save" from the top of the screen,.
Once the payment is saved all of the open invoices will show in the open balance invoices in the bottom half of the screen.
Click on "Applied Amount" of the first invoice that the customer is paying. If the check is for the amount of the invoice or more than the amount of the invoice PM will automatically enter in the amount of the invoice. If for any reason that invoice is short paid you can manually adjust the dollar amount to reflect the amount the customer received. Then hit enter on your keyboard. This will move that particular invoice from the open balance invoices (unless it was short paid) onto the applied invoices tab.
Keep doing this for each invoice paid with this payment. when you are finished posting the entire payment you can save and exit.
Please note that Pump Magic will not allow you to over pay an invoice, or to apply more monies to an invoice than the original payment amount.
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