Operator's checklist contains actions, which the operator have to check/perform prior or after the job he/she are assigned to.
This checklist is required to fill out as part of the operator's Rapid On The GO! job ticket.
The checklists are created in Rapid ERP and each type can be specified for a job, jobsite or customer.
Create actions/checks
- In Rapid ERP click on the R icon in the top-left corner and choose Operator Checklist.
- In Operator Checklist: Checklist Actions window there are two tabs - Checklist Actions and Checklist Management.
In the first one you see the available actions/checks and you can add new ones or edit the existing.
In the second tab you can create checklists and assign different actions/checks to each of them. - Click the New button to add a new action type.
- In the Action Label field, type a name for the action/check.
- In the Action Description field write explanation of this action. In Rapid On The GO! this text will be visible and it will help the operator to understand what to write.
- Check the Required Action option if you want this action to be with a mandatory status for the operator.
- In the Action Type drop-down list there are five types of actions:
- Yes/No - a simple check with two options - yes or no. It really means the operator has to do a check or no - more like completed/skipped.
- Multiple Choice - this action/check requires the operator to choose one option from the available ones. To add options click on the plus sign and re-arrange them with the arrow signs if needed.
- Multiple Select - this action/check requires the operator to choose one or more options from the available ones. To add options click on the plus sign and re-arrange them with the arrow signs if needed.
- Free Text - this action/checks gives the operator the ability to write whatever he/she wants to complete the check.
- Signature - the operator has to sign-off this check on his/her mobile device.
- Yes/No - a simple check with two options - yes or no. It really means the operator has to do a check or no - more like completed/skipped.
- Click Save to add the new action/check.
- Double click on an action if you want to edit it.
Create a checklist and add an action/check to it
- In Operator Checklist: Checklist Actions window click on the second tab - Checklist Management.
- From the Checklist drop-down list select a checklist to which you want to assign the new actions.
- You can also create a new checklist by clicking the icon followed by the icon in "Checklist" placeholder.
- To add actions to the chosen checklist select an action from the right column - Global Checklist Actions and click the < button.
- You can re-arrange the actions by dragging and dropping them.
- To remove an action/check select it and click the > button.
Create as many checklist as you want. - Click Save when you finish creating/editing the checklists.
Assign a checklist to a job/jobsite/customer
- In Rapid ERP open Jobs->Dispatch and double click on a job.
- The checklist, which the operators assigned to the job have to complete, can be selected from the Job Checklist drop-down list located lower-right in the Add/Edit Job Information window.
- Click Save to confirm the selection.
Assign Checklist to a Jobsite
- Edit a jobsite either from Jobs Information tab/ Jobsite or from the Jobsite Information tab.
- Locate the Jobsite Checklist drop-down list and select the desired checklist.
- Click the Save button to confirm the selection.
- In Rapid ERP open Sales->Customer.
- Double-click on a customer.
- Locate the Customer Checklist drop-down list and select the desired checklist.
- Click the Save button to confirm the selection.
Operator Checklist in Rapid On The GO!
- Open Rapid On The GO! and tap on the job with the assigned checklist.
- Go to the Ticket tab and tap on Job Checklist.
- The checklist which is assigned to the job is displayed.
- The actions/checks which have Action Description text added have a triangle in front of the name. If you drag this triangle and tap on the i sign, you can tread this additional information.
- Click on each action/list to complete it. The ones who have red line at the end of the row are mandatory.
Yes/No Multi Choice Multi Select Free Text Signature Tap on the check to complete it. You can tap again if you want to clear the status. - After all required checks/actions are completed, sign the checklist and tap on Complete Checklist.
Checklist in Rapid ERP
After the Operator completes the checklist in Rapid ERP a sign is shown next to it.
- Click on it to review the checklist.
- You can see the action/checks and when they are completed.
- You can print the checklist or view where the checklist has been performed.
Add the checklist when printing the Job Ticket.
- Open the job with the completed checklist and click on Print Filled Job Ticket option.
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