From Jobs / Dispatch
Navigate to the date that you want to schedule the job for.
Right click within the grid and select “Add Job” from the context menu.
Either click to choose from the customer list or start typing in the name of the customer. If you have not worked for this customer before you can add them by selecting the drill icon and the green plus
sign to add them into the database.
Then tabbing through each field enter in the information for the pour.
If the job is for a jobsite you have been to previously, you can type in the search box the address, city, job name, job number, etc and Pump Magic will filter the job list to your specifications.
If this is a brand new jobsite click on the green plus sign to enter in the information for the jobsite.
Continue tabbing through each field and filling out the job information.
If the caller confirms the job while you are entering the job click in the Confirmed By field and pump magic will autofill the information from the original Caller field.
Once you have completed entering the job information select the arrow down next to "Save" and choose save and close.
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